Good Morning My Friends,
Earlier this week, I got home around bedtime from a work trip. I walked down to greet my wife and daughter who were still awake. I was reminded, "You are so loud".
That comment reminded me of a recent image I saw, that surfaces every year during Halloween.
The description of what a CODA Halloween costume.
Today, I'll break down each item in the costume for those curious.
Intense eye contact: CODAs often develop strong visual communication skills due to relying heavily on facial expressions, body language, and sign language. This can manifest as intense eye contact, especially when communicating with Deaf individuals.
Expertise in turning on subtitles: CODAs frequently grow up in households where subtitles are essential for understanding television, movies, and other media. This skill becomes second nature, allowing us to quickly access and utilize subtitles.
Extreme loud noises: CODAs grow up not being held in check for being loud. By nature, even when we think we are being quiet, we are not.
Social awkwardness: CODAs often navigate unique social situations due to our bilingual and bicultural identities. This can sometimes lead to social awkwardness or misunderstandings, especially in mainstream settings.
ILY handshape: This handshape represents "I love you" in American Sign Language. It's a common sign used within the Deaf community and among CODAs, reflecting our connection to Deaf culture.
Ability to tune out smoke detector noises: CODAs often develop the ability to filter out background noise, particularly repetitive or predictable sounds. This skill allows us to focus on conversations or activities without being constantly distracted.
My friends, it is important to know that these are stereotypes or generalizations all in good fun, I always chuckle when I see the photo above as I believe nearly all of these apply to me personally.
I wish each one of you a blessed weekend!
World Series Prediction
Dodgers in six games.
This Week's Book Recommendation
Kasher in the Rye by Moshe Kasher (A fellow CODA)